Financial Wellbeing: Why Budgeting won't Solve Your Money Worries

Understanding your relationship with money is key to how we make our financial decisions. It’s also knowing that just because our parents weren’t good with money, doesn’t mean we have to carry on that intergenerational curse. We can break the curse, we can forgive, we can be grateful for our upbringing, we can learn, and practice gratitude toward money.

By being grateful, what you appreciate, appreciates too. It increases in value, and your mindset shifts into being in a place of abundance. It’s while you’re there you see the possibilities and no longer compare yourself to others. Instead of thinking about what others have, you focus on what you’ve got and add to that.

Tyrone Tangata-Makiri is a father, an entrepreneur, one of the co-founders of No Six, a member of the Rākau Tautoko team, and a co-founder of In the Flow State. Tyrone is also a HEART Change Agent and a member of the HEART Advisory Board. He is very passionate about empowering our Tāmaki community. On the 13th of October, we had Tyrone share with us about Mindful Money Management, and how we can improve our relationship with money. We learnt that wealth is a ratio, and not a number. It’s assets over liabilities, because assets appreciate, while liabilities depreciate.

Our relationship with money is often overlooked when it comes to wellbeing, however the stress and mental anguish money worries has on people is very real. In the future The HEART Movement looks forward to hosting Tyrone again to share more insights into how we can have a healthier relationship with money.