Domestic / Family Violence

The following information was collated by Shine DV FREE Coordinator and Senior Trainer Margaret Fitzgibbon.


Shine (Safer Homes in New Zealand Everyday) is a specialist domestic violence charity established in 1990. Shine provides a range of specialist domestic violence services, all with the primary aim of supporting adults and children experiencing domestic violence to become safe. These include a range of services for adults and children harmed by domestic, violence, as well as a non-violence programme for men who’ve perpetrated domestic violence. We also provide a range of training and education services alongside our DVFREE workplace programme. 

To learn more about Shine Services you can visit the website here.

What is domestic/family violence?

A domestic or family relationship includes any intimate relationship (or former relationship i.e. ex-partners), any family or whānau relationship or where any two people share a household i.e. flatmates, as well as any close personal relationship. 


Domestic/family violence is not just physical violence, but also includes a range of other behaviours that have the effect of controlling the other person, or making them feel afraid, threatened, or intimidated.  It is most often a pattern of behaviours, even when those behaviours do not appear abusive on their own.

For comprehensive and practical information about domestic violence, you can download the Safer Homes Booklet here.


Shine Helpline: 0508 744 633 -7 days a week, 9am-11pm.

The Shine Helpline is a National Service, and  anyone in New Zealand can ring the Helpline for free. The Shine Helpline is available to help women or men experiencing abuse, or people worried about a family member, child, friend, work colleague or anyone whom they know who might be experiencing domestic abuse. The Shine Helpline is also available to men or women who are or have been violent or abusive towards their partners or family members, and are seeking to make a change. The staff at the Shine Helpline are highly skilled professionals. They can help with support, information, advice and referrals to local services for anyone who calls. 


We would also like you to know about other National Helplines that are available. 

Women’s Refuge National Helpline Crisisline: 0800 733 843 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

‘It's not OK’ Campaign Family Violence Information Line 0800 456 450-7 days a week, 9am – 11pm daily.

Hey Bro helpline – call 0800 HeyBro (0800 439 276). 24/7 help for men who feel they're going to harm a loved one or whānau member.

Silent Solution i.e. calling 111 when you’re in danger but can’t talk 

• Call 111 if you or someone else is in danger or could be harmed.

• If it’s not safe for you to speak, stay silent, push 55 and you will be put through to Police.

For more info go to:

Please be aware that if you need advice about helping someone who is experiencing family/ domestic violence, at work, home or in the community, you can ring the Shine Helpline for support and information.


SHINE has some great free written and visual resources. You can order them from their website here.