24 Fit Tāmaki


Health, Fitness, and Wellbeing 

Leah is an outstanding advocate for health & wellness! A leader, wife, mother, and member of the Tāmaki community. You can read more about Leah here, and subscribe to her Facebook page.

24 Fit Tāmaki to date started their health & wellness events in early April during the pandemic of COVID-19. Their aim was to provide assistance for whānau in the local area including, access to free home workouts; cooking within a budget; making healthy wholefood alternatives; keeping calm with the kids at home, and how to create a safe space for everyone. 

The online interest was outstanding. People in Tāmaki, all over Auckland, all around New Zealand, and overseas joined in with our online community. Some become regular viewers of all classes which leads to some outstanding health results during these times. In total, the events reached out to more than 5000 people online (views real-time + afterwards). 

Going Forward... 

Leah’s vision is to educate whānau on the value of living a healthy, active lifestyle. 

She speaks about providing programs free of charge in the areas of fitness, nutrition, and self-care. Also by making information on all community incentives provided in the Tāmaki region accessible. There is no argument that living a healthy, active lifestyle isn’t something we should all aim to do! Even better if we can use fitness as a vehicle to connect individuals to build relationships, and activate local spaces and places in Tāmaki.