Methamphetamine Harm with Peter Thorburn

People resort to methamphetamine use for a myriad of different factors including mental health issues or unresolved trauma. A lot of users need their own basic needs to be met as they escape the harsh realities of life when under the influence. Classified as a Class A illegal drug in Aotearoa, using meth is a very high risk according to the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975. Understanding why people use will enable us to better treat whānau and prevent future generations from abusing drugs.

We had Peter Thorburn facilitate 12 of our Tāmaki whānau on the 6th of July, where he covered the history of methamphetamine in Aotearoa, the P epidemic, the various symptoms people have when using it, and useful approaches when to help whānau who are using. We also learnt the tell-tale signs of someone producing or “cooking” and the effect the COVID-19 Pandemic has had on supply and demand.

Many families have been rocked to the core because either one or more member using meth. Understanding why people turn to drugs means treatment can better fit their needs, and we can better prevent others from using. Healthy relationships mean having tough conversations and intervening when we see someone going down a dark path. Sometimes people need to go down a dark path to become amazing, resilient stories of hope. But as many professionals and experts say, “Prevention is best type of treatment”.